Wednesday 31 May 2023

[31052023] Blowing out someone else's candle does not make your own shine brighter

Blowing out someone else's candle does not make your own shine brighter. It is a metaphorical way of saying that diminishing or undermining someone else's success or happiness will not enhance your own. In reality, success and happiness are not finite resources; they can be achieved by multiple individuals simultaneously. Instead of focusing on bringing others down, it's more productive and fulfilling to support and encourage others in their endeavors while working on improving yourself. By fostering a positive and supportive environment, everyone can shine together and achieve their goals.

Tuesday 30 May 2023

[30052023] السفر ميزان السفر

Traveling can provide an opportunity for people to reveal their true selves. When individuals are in unfamiliar environments and faced with new experiences, their behavior and attitudes can reflect their genuine nature.

During travel, individuals may encounter various challenges, such as navigating through different cultures, dealing with unexpected situations, or being outside of their comfort zones. How they handle these challenges can offer insights into their character traits, including adaptability, resilience, open-mindedness, and empathy.

Furthermore, shared travel experiences often create a bond among fellow travelers. This environment can bring out the true colors of individuals, as they interact, collaborate, and communicate with one another. Genuine friendships can be strengthened through mutual support, shared adventures, and a sense of camaraderie, while pretenders or those with ulterior motives may struggle to maintain a facade or may display inconsistent behavior.

It's important to note that while travel can provide valuable insights, it's not a foolproof way to determine someone's true character. People can still exhibit different aspects of their personalities depending on the circumstances. It takes time and multiple interactions to truly understand someone's authenticity.

In summary, travel has the potential to reveal the true identity of travelers and help differentiate between genuine friends and those who may pretend. It offers an environment where individuals can showcase their character traits and interact with fellow travelers, ultimately allowing for more meaningful connections and experiences.


If you're looking for a hiding spot that is unexpected, hiding in plain sight can sometimes be effective.

Blend in with a crowd: If you're in a busy area, like a city or a large event, try blending in with the crowd. Wear clothing that matches the style of those around you and avoid drawing attention to yourself.

Act natural: When hiding in the open, it's important to appear calm and act as if you belong in the environment. Avoid suspicious behavior or constant glances around that may raise suspicion.

Utilize camouflage: Choose a hiding spot that provides some natural cover or camouflage. For example, if you're in a park, find a spot among the trees or foliage that can provide some concealment.

Use distractions: Sometimes creating a diversion can be an effective way to hide. By drawing attention away from yourself, you can slip away unnoticed. This could involve a loud noise, a commotion, or something that captures people's attention.

Play a role: If you find yourself in a situation where blending in isn't an option, consider adopting a different identity or playing a specific role. This could involve pretending to be an employee, a delivery person, or someone who is expected to be in the area.

Remember, hiding in the open is not foolproof and may not be suitable for every situation. The effectiveness of this strategy depends on the circumstances and the individuals involved. Always prioritize your safety and well-being and consider seeking professional advice or assistance if necessary.

Monday 29 May 2023

[29052023] Whose opinion matters!

It's important not to become a prisoner of other people's opinions. Each person has their own unique perspective and values, and it's natural for opinions to differ. It's crucial to maintain your individuality and make decisions based on your own thoughts, values, and judgments.

While it's important to listen to and consider the opinions of others, ultimately, you should trust your own judgment and be true to yourself. Don't let the fear of judgment or the desire for validation from others dictate your actions or beliefs. It's okay to respectfully disagree with others and forge your own path. Embracing your individuality and being confident in your own opinions can lead to personal growth and a more authentic life.

Friday 26 May 2023

[26052023] A comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there!


The terms "comfort zone," "fear zone," "learning zone," and "growth zone" are often used to describe different stages or areas of personal development and growth. Here's a breakdown of what each zone represents:

1. Comfort Zone: The comfort zone refers to a state or situation where a person feels familiar, secure, and at ease. It's a place where one experiences minimal anxiety or stress because they are operating within their established routines, habits, and knowledge. While the comfort zone provides a sense of stability, it can also limit personal growth and prevent individuals from venturing into new experiences or taking risks.

2. Fear Zone: The fear zone, also known as the "panic zone" or "danger zone," is the stage where individuals face challenges or situations that trigger fear, anxiety, or discomfort. It involves stepping outside of one's comfort zone and confronting the unknown or uncertain. While this zone can be intimidating, it is also where significant personal growth can occur. Overcoming fears and challenges in the fear zone can lead to increased confidence and resilience.

3. Learning Zone: The learning zone is the stage where individuals actively seek out new experiences, knowledge, and skills. It involves stepping out of the comfort zone and embracing the opportunity to learn and grow. In this zone, individuals may take on new projects, acquire new skills, or engage in activities that challenge their existing abilities. The learning zone is characterized by a willingness to explore, make mistakes, and acquire knowledge through hands-on experiences.

4. Growth Zone: The growth zone is an extension of the learning zone, representing a stage where individuals apply what they have learned and experienced to achieve personal growth and development. It involves utilizing newfound skills and knowledge to tackle more significant challenges and pursue higher levels of achievement. The growth zone is marked by continuous improvement, setting and achieving goals, and expanding one's capabilities.

It's important to note that personal growth is not a linear process, and individuals may move between these zones depending on the circumstances and their willingness to embrace challenges and pursue growth opportunities. Stepping outside of the comfort zone and into the learning and growth zones can be uncomfortable, but it often leads to valuable personal development and the discovery of new strengths and abilities.

The quote "A comfort zone is a beautiful place, but nothing ever grows there" encapsulates the idea that personal growth and development typically occur outside of one's comfort zone. While the comfort zone offers a sense of security and familiarity, it also tends to keep individuals in a stagnant state, where they may be unwilling or hesitant to take risks, try new things, or face challenges.

Growth and learning often come from pushing the boundaries of what is familiar and comfortable. Stepping outside of the comfort zone requires individuals to confront their fears, embrace uncertainty, and be open to new experiences. By doing so, they expose themselves to opportunities for personal development, skill acquisition, and self-discovery.

It is important to note that the comfort zone can vary from person to person. What one individual finds comfortable, another might perceive as a challenge. The key is recognizing when you are in a state of complacency and being willing to stretch yourself beyond your current limits. This is where growth occurs, as individuals explore new possibilities, learn from their experiences, and acquire the skills and knowledge necessary to achieve their goals.

By embracing the learning zone and the growth zone, individuals can overcome limitations, broaden their horizons, and unlock their full potential. It is in these zones that personal development flourishes, leading to increased confidence, resilience, and fulfillment in life.

[26052023] لا يذوقها إلا من ذاقها

The phrase "لا يذوقها إلا من ذاقها" translates to "No one tastes it except the one who has tasted it." 

This proverb in Arabic is used to convey the idea that a person cannot fully understand or appreciate something unless they have experienced it themselves. It means that one needs to personally go through an experience in order to truly comprehend its value.

In a broader context, the phrase suggests that it is difficult for individuals to fully appreciate or understand the experiences of others unless they have lived through the same situation themselves. People may use this expression to remind themselves to be tolerant and understanding towards the experiences of others and not to pass judgment without having firsthand experience.

In general, the phrase emphasizes the importance of personal experience and firsthand knowledge in understanding and appreciating something.

Sunday 21 May 2023

[21052023] Let the evidence speaks for itself (Res ipsa loquitur)

The Power of Evidence: Building a Foundation of Trust and Knowledge

In our quest for truth and understanding, evidence serves as an indispensable tool. Whether in science, law, or everyday life, evidence plays a crucial role in forming beliefs, making informed decisions, and building a foundation of trust. It serves as a guiding light that illuminates the path towards knowledge and helps us separate fact from fiction. In this blog, we delve into the importance of evidence and explore how it shapes our understanding of the world.

Seeking Objective Truth:
Evidence is the cornerstone of seeking objective truth. It provides us with the means to verify and validate claims, theories, and hypotheses. By relying on empirical data, observations, experiments, and rigorous methodologies, evidence allows us to separate personal biases and subjective beliefs from objective reality. It enables us to uncover the underlying facts that shape our understanding of various phenomena.

Enhancing Decision-Making:
In both personal and professional realms, evidence empowers us to make sound decisions. Whether it's choosing a medical treatment, investing in a business venture, or voting in elections, evidence-based decision-making minimizes guesswork and maximizes the chances of favorable outcomes. By considering credible evidence, we can assess risks, evaluate alternatives, and make informed choices that align with our goals and values.

Building Trust and Credibility:
Evidence serves as the currency of trust. In legal proceedings, for instance, evidence provides the necessary support to establish the truth and ensure fairness. Similarly, in scientific research, peer-reviewed evidence helps to build credibility within the scientific community. When evidence is transparent, verifiable, and based on reliable sources, it fosters trust among individuals, institutions, and society at large. It enables open dialogue and constructive debates, essential for the progress of knowledge and understanding.

Challenging Assumptions and Bias:
Evidence has the power to challenge our assumptions and biases. It compels us to critically evaluate our preconceived notions and question long-held beliefs. By subjecting ideas and claims to scrutiny, evidence promotes intellectual growth and encourages a more nuanced perspective. It pushes us to consider alternative viewpoints, examine counterarguments, and refine our understanding based on new evidence that emerges.

Advancing Society:
Evidence-driven decision-making and policies have the potential to drive societal progress. From healthcare and education to environmental conservation and social justice, evidence helps identify effective strategies and interventions. By relying on evidence, policymakers can implement measures that are more likely to bring about positive outcomes for individuals and communities. It provides a solid basis for addressing complex societal challenges and working towards a better future.

In a world inundated with information and opinions, evidence stands as a beacon of reliability and trustworthiness. It empowers us to navigate through the noise, make informed choices, and understand the world around us more accurately. By valuing evidence, we foster intellectual curiosity, challenge assumptions, and contribute to the collective pursuit of knowledge and truth. Let us embrace the importance of evidence in our personal and professional lives, building a society grounded in reason, objectivity, and progress.

[21052023] البقاء لله


*Whatsapp* killed *BBM* (blackberry)
*Youtube* killed *DVD*
*Bluetooth* killed *Infrared*
*Xender* killed *Bluetooth*
*Zapya* killed *Xender*
*CDs* killed *Cassettes*
*Android* killed *Window phones*
*Uber* killed *Yellow Cab*
*Phone* killed *Post Office*
*SMS* killed *Letter Writing*
*Email* killed *Fax*
*Civilization* killed *Culture*
*Computer* killed *Typewriter*
*E-card* killed *Hallmark Card*
*Maggi* killed *Dawa Dawa* (seasonings)
*Money* killed *True Love*

What else killed what again oooo?
*Internet* killed *Library*
*Google* killed *Dictionary*
*Wikipedia* killed *Encyclopedia*

*No condition is permanent in this World, Be humble.*

Oh almost forgot: 
And finally *MoMo* i.e. "Mobile Money" is killing *ATM Machine* and *Bank Queues* in the bank.

So my beloved whatever position You are today use it positively, tomorrow may not be Yours but someone else's.
*Solar Power* will soon kill *Generator......*
At the end, *Death* will kill *Life* 


*1 - Exercise is medicine.*
*2 - Fasting is medicine.*
*3 - Natural food is medicine.*
*4 - Laughter is medicine.*
*5 - Vegetables and fruits are medicine.*
*6 - Sleep is medicine.*
*7 - Sunlight is medicine.*
*8 - Loving others is medicine*
*9 - Loving yourself is medicine.*
*10 - Gratitude is medicine.*
*11 - Letting go of offense is medicine.*
*12 - Meditation is medicine.*
*13 - Reading and studying the Word of God is medicine.*
*14 - Eating well, on time and without excess is medicine.*
*15 - Right thinking and right thinking with a good mindset is medicine.*
*16 - Trusting in God is medicine*
*17 - Good friends are medicine.*
*18 -. Forgiving yourself and forgiving others is medicine.*
*19 - Drinking plenty of water is medicine.*
*20 - A peaceful heart is medicine*
*Take enough of these medications and you will rarely need the ones from pharmacies.*

*Do well by sharing this medicine to your loved ones if you really care.* 🥰

Last but not least.... _.Politics sharing may kills friendship_ ...🤣🤣🤣

Wednesday 17 May 2023

[17052023] Clown in Circus?

"Be careful about whom you invite into your home. It is often said that if you were to invite a clown into a palace, the clown would never become king, but rather your palace would turn into a circus."

That statement is a metaphorical expression suggesting that inviting the wrong person into a position of power or influence can have negative consequences. While the specific example given involves a clown in a palace, the underlying message is applicable to various situations.

The phrase implies that if you bring someone with inappropriate behavior or incompetence into a position of authority, their presence can disrupt the harmonious and organized environment that existed before. It suggests that their actions and decisions may lead to chaos, confusion, or a lack of order.

In a broader sense, the metaphor advises caution in choosing who you allow into your personal or professional life, as their influence can significantly impact the dynamics and atmosphere. It encourages careful consideration of a person's character, abilities, and values before giving them access to positions of authority or responsibility.

However, it's important to note that this metaphorical expression may not always hold true in reality. It's based on the assumption that the clown lacks the necessary qualities to be a successful leader, while also disregarding the potential for positive change or transformation in individuals. Real-life situations can be more nuanced, and people can surprise us with their abilities and growth. Therefore, it's essential to balance caution with an open mind and thoughtful evaluation of individuals.

[17052023] NO

The art of saying no and deflecting can be valuable skills in various situations, whether it's at work, in personal relationships, or in everyday interactions. Here are some tips to help you master the art of saying no and deflecting gracefully:

1. Be clear and concise: When saying no, it's essential to be straightforward and concise in your response. Avoid long explanations or justifications that can lead to misunderstandings. Clearly state your decision without leaving room for ambiguity.

2. Use polite and respectful language: Even though you're saying no, it's important to maintain a polite and respectful tone. Choose your words carefully to convey your decision without coming across as rude or dismissive. Express your appreciation for the offer or request before declining.

3. Provide a brief reason (optional): While it's not always necessary, offering a brief reason for your refusal can help others understand your decision. However, avoid going into too much detail, as it may invite further discussion or negotiation. Keep it simple and to the point.

4. Offer alternatives (if applicable): Instead of outright rejecting someone's request, you can suggest alternatives if they exist. This shows that you're still willing to help in some way, even if you can't fulfill the original request. Offering alternatives can soften the impact of your refusal.

5. Practice assertiveness: Being assertive means expressing your thoughts, opinions, and boundaries confidently and respectfully. Practice assertiveness techniques to help you say no with conviction while maintaining a positive demeanor. Stand firm in your decision and avoid being swayed by pressure or guilt.

6. Use deflection techniques: Sometimes, instead of outright saying no, you might want to deflect a request or question. This involves redirecting the conversation to a different topic or focusing on other aspects. For example, you can say something like, "That's an interesting idea. Let's consider it later when we have more information." This allows you to avoid a direct refusal without committing to anything.

7. Practice active listening: When someone makes a request or presents an opportunity, actively listen to understand their needs or concerns. Reflecting back their points can show that you're attentive to their thoughts, even if you ultimately decline. Active listening helps foster better communication and understanding between parties.

8. Maintain consistency: Consistency is crucial when it comes to saying no and deflecting. Be firm in your decisions and avoid making exceptions that may undermine your stance. People will learn to respect your boundaries when they see that you consistently stick to your choices.

Remember that saying no and deflecting should be used judiciously and with respect for others. It's essential to strike a balance between assertiveness and empathy in order to maintain healthy relationships and effective communication.

Tuesday 16 May 2023

[16052023] Pseudo-participation (illusion of free will)

It involves creating the illusion of choice or participation while ultimately expecting individuals to follow predetermined orders or decisions.

The concept of pseudo-participation in leadership has been discussed by several theorists, but one notable figure is Kurt Lewin. Lewin, a renowned social psychologist, introduced the concept of "autocratic," "democratic," and "laissez-faire" leadership styles in the 1930s. While democratic leadership emphasizes participation and involvement of group members in decision-making, Lewin acknowledged the existence of situations where leaders may create a façade of participation while still exerting significant control over the outcome.

In these situations, leaders may appear to seek input and involve others in the decision-making process but ultimately manipulate the situation to ensure compliance with their own predetermined objectives. The illusion of choice gives the impression that individuals have a say in the decision, fostering a sense of ownership or buy-in, even though the outcome was predetermined.

It's worth noting that pseudo-participation can have negative consequences, such as eroding trust and reducing employee morale. Genuine participative leadership involves empowering individuals and genuinely valuing their input, while pseudo-participation can undermine these aspects, leading to disengagement and frustration among team members.

Leadership styles and theories continue to evolve, and different scholars may use variations in terminology or emphasize different aspects of pseudo-participation. However, the underlying idea remains consistent: the illusion of choice is used as a tool to create the perception of participation while maintaining control over decision-making.

Monday 15 May 2023

[15052023] Give Me Loyalty!

Loyalty, slavery, and fealty are terms that relate to different forms of allegiance or commitment. While there are some similarities between them, they represent distinct concepts. Here's a brief explanation of each term:

Loyalty refers to a strong sense of faithfulness, dedication, or allegiance to someone or something. It implies a sincere commitment, trust, and support towards a person, group, organization, or cause. Loyalty is often based on mutual respect, shared values, and positive relationships. It is a voluntary commitment that can be earned and maintained through trust, reliability, and integrity.

Slavery refers to a system in which individuals are owned as property by others, who exercise complete control and authority over them. Historically, slavery has involved the forced labor and subjugation of people, often based on their race, ethnicity, or social status. Slavery represents a complete lack of freedom, where individuals are deprived of their autonomy, rights, and dignity.

Fealty is a feudal concept that denotes a formal, sworn allegiance or loyalty to a lord or monarch. In feudal societies, vassals pledged their fealty to their superior, known as the liege lord. Fealty implied a contractual relationship where the vassal would provide military or other services in exchange for protection and the use of land. It was a hierarchical arrangement that governed the social and political structure of medieval Europe.

While loyalty and fealty share some similarities, such as the commitment and allegiance they involve, fealty is specifically associated with the feudal system and the hierarchical relationships between lords and vassals. Slavery, on the other hand, is a fundamentally different concept, representing the ownership and complete control of one person by another, devoid of any sense of voluntary commitment or mutual respect.

[15052023] Kalau tak malu, buatlah apa yang kamu suka! (Hadis)

هذا حديث مروي عن أبي مسعود الأنصاري، رضي الله عنه، قال فيه أن النبي محمد، صلى الله عليه وسلم، قال: "إن مما أدرك الناس من كلام النبوة الأولى: إذا لم تستح فاصنع ما شئت." هذا الحديث مسجل في صحيح البخاري.

Narrated by Abu Mas'ud Al-Ansari, may Allah be pleased with him, he said that the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him, said: "Indeed, among the sayings that people obtained from the early Prophethood is: 'If you have no shame, then do whatever you want.'" This hadith is recorded in Sahih al-Bukhari.

This hadith is understood to encourage self-control and refrain from engaging in sinful and shameful actions. It emphasizes the importance of modesty and shyness as noble traits. It suggests that a person who lacks a sense of shame might transgress boundaries and engage in whatever they desire without restraint or consideration.

However, it is important to consider the comprehensive context of Islam and other teachings of the Prophet, which encourage virtuous ethics and righteousness. Islam emphasizes justice, mercy, and humility. It urges adherence to the laws of Allah, avoidance of sins and vices, and the cultivation of moral values.

In general, it is essential for us to understand hadiths and the Prophet's statements in their comprehensive context and in light of other Islamic teachings. We should strive to act upon the principles of Islam and uphold noble moral values in all aspects of our lives.

Sunday 14 May 2023

[14052023] هنيئًا لمَن لا يُظلِم أحدًا ولا يَغْتَاب أحدًا ولا يُجرِح أحدًا ولا يَرَى نفسَهُ فوقَ أحدٍ.

Congratulations to those who do not oppress anyone, do not backbite anyone, do not hurt anyone, and do not see themselves above anyone.

هنيئًا لمَن لا يُظلِم أحدًا ولا يَغْتَاب أحدًا ولا يُجرِح أحدًا ولا يَرَى نفسَهُ فوقَ أحدٍ.
يجب أن نسعى جميعًا لتحقيق العدل والرحمة في تعاملنا مع الآخرين. عندما نمارس الظلم أو الغيبة أو الإيذاء، فإننا نخلق بيئة سامة ومؤذية للجميع. لذا، من الرائع أن نكون قدوة حسنة ونحاول أن نكون عادلين ومتعاطفين ومحترمين تجاه الآخرين.

عدم الميل إلى التعرض للآخرين بشكل متكرر أو التصرف بانتهاكات يعكس قيم الاحترام والتواضع. إن التفكير في الآخرين وتلبية احتياجاتهم وأحلامهم ومشاعرهم يسهم في بناء علاقات صحية وإيجابية.

وعلاوة على ذلك، عندما نركز على تحقيق إمكاناتنا الشخصية وتحقيق أهدافنا بدون التسبب في إيذاء الآخرين أو رؤية أنفسنا فوقهم، فإننا نعزز الانسجام والتعاون في المجتمع.

فلنحاول أن نكون إنسانًا يحترم الآخرين ويسعى للعدل والرحمة، وذلك سيسهم في خلق بيئة أفضل للجميع.


"Doa, Usaha, Ikhtiar, Tawakkal" is a combination of principles that encompass effort, prayer, striving, and trust. The phrase suggests that by incorporating these elements into our lives, we can find reassurance that everything will fall into its rightful place. Let's explore each component:

1. Doa (Prayer): Prayer is the act of seeking guidance, support, and blessings from a higher power. It allows us to connect with the divine, express our intentions, and seek spiritual guidance. Through prayer, we find solace, strength, and a sense of purpose.

2. Usaha (Effort): Usaha represents our active efforts, hard work, and determination. It implies that we must take practical steps, make consistent efforts, and strive towards our goals. By putting in the necessary work and dedication, we increase the chances of achieving success.

3. Ikhtiar (Striving): Ikhtiar emphasizes the idea of active striving and taking initiative. It implies that we should utilize our skills, knowledge, and resources to the best of our ability. We make conscious decisions, plan, and take action, knowing that our efforts contribute to the outcomes we desire.

4. Tawakkal (Trust in God): Tawakkal signifies trust and reliance on a higher power. It involves surrendering our outcomes to the divine will, acknowledging that ultimately, our destiny is in the hands of a greater wisdom. Tawakkal brings a sense of peace, acceptance, and trust that whatever unfolds is for our best interest.

The combination of doa, usaha, ikhtiar, and tawakkal encourages a holistic approach to life. By incorporating prayer, putting in sincere effort, taking proactive measures, and entrusting the final results to a higher power, we cultivate a mindset of balance, resilience, and trust. While it doesn't guarantee a specific outcome, this approach helps us navigate challenges, find meaning in our endeavors, and maintain a sense of hope that things will align according to a greater purpose.

Saturday 13 May 2023

[13052023] Small, Average & Great Minds!

Small, Average, Great Minds

"Small minds discuss other people": This part suggests that individuals with limited intellectual capacity tend to engage in gossip or conversations centered around discussing and critiquing other people. Their focus may be on trivial or personal matters, rather than deeper topics.

"Average minds discuss events": This line implies that individuals with a broader perspective and intellectual capacity are interested in discussing current events and occurrences in the world. They engage in conversations about news, societal issues, and happenings on a global scale.

"Great minds discuss ideas": The final part of the quote suggests that individuals with exceptional intellect and insight focus their discussions on abstract concepts, theories, and ideas. They delve into philosophical, scientific, or creative subjects, seeking to explore and understand complex concepts.

Overall, this quote highlights a progression from shallow conversations about people to more significant discussions about events and ultimately to the highest level of discourse involving ideas. It implies that the level of intellectual engagement and the depth of conversation can vary depending on the individuals involved.

[13052023] Ravenous (Gelojoh/Gopoh/Lahap)

Ravenous (Gelojoh/Gopoh/Lahap)

1. Pause and reflect: Before acting on your impulses, take a moment to pause and reflect. Ask yourself why you feel the need to take these actions and whether they align with your long-term goals and values.

2. Identify triggers: Try to identify the triggers that are causing you to feel ravenous for these actions. It could be stress, fear, frustration, or other emotions. Understanding the root cause can help you address it more effectively.

3. Practice self-awareness: Develop self-awareness around your thoughts, feelings, and impulses. Notice the patterns and tendencies that lead to these unrealistic actions. By being more mindful, you can catch yourself before acting impulsively.

4. Seek support: Talk to someone you trust, such as a friend, family member, or mentor. Share your thoughts and feelings with them, and they may provide a different perspective or help you evaluate the feasibility and consequences of your actions.

5. Set realistic goals: Break down your long-term goals into smaller, achievable steps. By setting realistic and attainable goals, you can focus on making gradual progress rather than feeling overwhelmed and resorting to impulsive actions.

6. Create a plan: Develop a well-thought-out plan of action that aligns with your goals. This can help you channel your energy and enthusiasm into productive and realistic actions rather than impulsive ones.

7. Practice patience: Recognize that achieving meaningful and sustainable results takes time and effort. Remind yourself to be patient and persistent in pursuing your goals. Avoid seeking instant gratification through rash actions.

8. Consider the consequences: Take a moment to think about the potential consequences of your actions. Consider both the short-term and long-term impacts on yourself and others. This perspective can help you make more informed decisions.

9. Engage in self-care: Take care of your physical and mental well-being. Engaging in activities that promote relaxation, such as exercise, meditation, hobbies, or spending time in nature, can help you manage stress and reduce impulsive urges.

10. Professional help: If you find it challenging to control impulsive actions or if they are significantly impacting your life, consider seeking professional help from a therapist or counselor. They can provide guidance and support in developing healthier coping mechanisms.

Remember, it's normal to experience occasional urges or impulsive thoughts. The key is to recognize them, evaluate their feasibility, and choose actions that align with your values and long-term well-being.

Friday 12 May 2023

[12052023] Kirkpartick's Training Evaluation Model!

The Kirkpatrick model is a widely-used framework for evaluating the effectiveness of training or educational programs. The model was developed by Donald Kirkpatrick in the late 1950s and has since been updated and expanded by various authors.

The Kirkpatrick model consists of four levels of evaluation:

1. Level 1: Reaction
This level measures participants' immediate reactions to the training, such as their satisfaction with the program, the quality of the materials, and the instructor's effectiveness.

2. Level 2: Learning
This level assesses the extent to which participants have acquired new knowledge, skills, or attitudes as a result of the training. Evaluation at this level might include pre- and post-training tests, skills assessments, or other types of measurement.

3. Level 3: Behavior
This level examines the degree to which participants have transferred what they learned in the training to their jobs or other relevant contexts. This might include observing participants on the job, conducting surveys of their supervisors or peers, or other forms of measurement.

4. Level 4: Results
This level evaluates the overall impact of the training program on the organization or other stakeholders. This might include measures such as improved productivity, increased revenue, or decreased turnover.

Each level builds on the previous one, so evaluation at level 4 requires successful evaluation at levels 1-3. The Kirkpatrick model can be used to guide the development of evaluation plans and to assess the effectiveness of training programs.

[12052023] TELL > SELL > CONSULT > JOIN

1. Tell: In this approach, the boss assumes a highly directive role and expects subordinates to follow orders without question. The boss sees themselves as the ultimate authority and believes that they always know what is best for the organization. This approach can be effective in situations where quick decisions need to be made or in situations where subordinates lack the necessary skills or knowledge to make informed decisions.

2. Sell: In this approach, the boss seeks to persuade subordinates to adopt a particular course of action by using their communication and motivational skills. The boss tries to convince subordinates of the value of the proposed course of action and encourages them to commit to it. This approach can be effective when subordinates need to be convinced of the benefits of a new initiative or when they lack the necessary motivation to carry out a task.

3. Consult: In this approach, the boss seeks input from subordinates before making a decision. The boss values the opinions and expertise of subordinates and sees them as valuable sources of information. The boss uses the input gathered from subordinates to make an informed decision. This approach can be effective when subordinates have the necessary knowledge or expertise to make informed decisions or when there is a need to build consensus.

4. Join: In this approach, the boss takes a hands-off approach and allows subordinates to make decisions and carry out tasks without interference. The boss assumes a supportive role and provides resources and guidance as needed. This approach can be effective when subordinates have the necessary skills and knowledge to make decisions and carry out tasks independently or when there is a need to foster creativity and innovation.

It's important to note that different situations may require different approaches to leadership, and effective leaders should be able to adapt their approach to the needs of the organization and the individuals they are leading.

[12052023] Mistakes Happen!

Mistakes are a natural part of the learning process and human experience, and we should not let them define who we are. 

It's important to remember that our mistakes do not define our worth as a person. Rather, they are opportunities for growth and learning. When we make mistakes, we can reflect on what we did wrong, learn from our experiences, and use that knowledge to make better choices in the future. 

It's also important to forgive ourselves for our mistakes. Holding onto guilt and shame can be harmful to our mental health and prevent us from moving forward. Instead, we should acknowledge our mistakes, take responsibility for them, and use them as motivation to become better versions of ourselves. 

In short, while our mistakes may have consequences, they do not define who we are. We have the power to shape our own identities and determine our own paths in life.

Monday 8 May 2023

[08052023] Larangan Mengadu Domba (bring into conflict)

"وَالَّذِينَ يُؤْذُونَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ وَالْمُؤْمِنَاتِ بِغَيْرِ مَا اكْتَسَبُوا فَقَدِ احْتَمَلُوا بُهْتَانًا وَإِثْمًا مُّبِينًا"

الترجمة: "وَالَّذِينَ يُؤْذُونَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ وَالْمُؤْمِنَاتِ بِغَيْرِ مَا اكْتَسَبُوا فَقَدِ احْتَمَلُوا بُهْتَانًا وَإِثْمًا مُبِينًا"

المعنى: "والذين يؤذون المؤمنين والمؤمنات بغير ما اكتسبوا فقد حملوا على نفسهم بهتانًا وإثمًا مبينًا"، ويعني هذا أن الله يحذر المؤمنين والمؤمنات من إيذاء بعضهم البعض دون حق، وأنهم يتحملون الخطأ والإثم إذا فعلوا ذلك.

"And those who harm believing men and believing women for [something] other than what they have earned have certainly born upon themselves a slander and manifest sin."

The meaning of this verse is that Allah warns believers, both men and women, against harming each other without just cause, and that they will bear the burden of slander and manifest sin if they do so. The verse emphasizes the importance of treating fellow believers with kindness, respect, and justice, and refraining from causing harm to them in any way.

In Islamic teachings, harming others, whether physically or emotionally, is considered a grave sin, and believers are encouraged to strive for peace, harmony, and mutual respect in all their interactions with others. This verse serves as a reminder to believers to be mindful of their actions towards others and to always act with compassion, empathy, and fairness.

Sunday 7 May 2023

[07052023] Transformation! Please join us, or be a spectator!

This statement suggests that change is inevitable and will occur regardless of whether one actively participates in it or simply observes it from a distance. It implies that the forces driving change are powerful and will ultimately shape the future, whether one chooses to actively engage with those forces or not.

While it is true that change is often a natural and ongoing part of life, it is important to recognize that individuals and groups can still have a significant impact on the direction and pace of change. Those who actively work towards creating positive change and influencing others to do the same can help shape a more desirable future, rather than simply accepting whatever changes happen to occur.

Ultimately, whether one chooses to actively participate in creating change or simply observe from the sidelines, it is important to recognize the power of change and the potential impact it can have on individuals and society as a whole.

[07052023] Start with 'Why'

In Simon Sinek's book "Start With Why," he distinguishes between two types of people: "why" people and "what" people.

"Why" people are those who are motivated by a sense of purpose and a desire to make a difference in the world. They are driven by their beliefs and values, and are focused on the bigger picture. "Why" people are often passionate about their work and are willing to make sacrifices in order to achieve their goals.

On the other hand, "what" people are those who are motivated by tangible outcomes and rewards. They are focused on the specifics of what they are doing and are motivated by achieving goals and receiving recognition for their accomplishments. "What" people are often more concerned with the "how" and "what" of a project, rather than the underlying purpose or meaning.

Sinek argues that both types of people are necessary for success in any endeavor, but that organizations and leaders should prioritize hiring and cultivating "why" people. This is because "why" people are more likely to be passionate, committed, and innovative, and are more likely to help an organization achieve its goals in a meaningful way.

By understanding the differences between "why" people and "what" people, organizations can build teams that are more effective, productive, and successful in achieving their goals.

[07052023] De Bono's Random Word Technique

The Random Word Technique is a thinking tool developed by Edward de Bono that is designed to stimulate creative thinking and generate new ideas. The technique involves using a random word or phrase as a stimulus for generating ideas.

The Random Word Technique works by providing a random stimulus that encourages individuals to think about a problem in a new and different way. To use the technique, individuals start by selecting a random word or phrase from a dictionary, magazine, or other source. This word is then used as a starting point for generating new ideas related to a specific problem or challenge.

For example, if the problem is to come up with new marketing ideas for a product, the individual might select the word "fish" as the random stimulus. This word can then be used as a jumping-off point for generating new ideas, such as "using fishing metaphors in marketing copy", "partnering with fishing companies for co-marketing campaigns", or "creating a viral video featuring a talking fish promoting the product".

The Random Word Technique is particularly useful for individuals who are stuck in established patterns of thinking and are struggling to generate new ideas. By providing a random stimulus, the technique can help to break down mental barriers and encourage individuals to think more creatively.

Overall, the Random Word Technique is a simple yet effective tool for generating new and innovative ideas. By using a random word as a starting point, individuals can think about a problem in a new and different way, and generate unexpected and creative solutions.

[07052023] De Bono's Provocation Technique

De Bono's Provocation Technique

The Provocation technique is a thinking tool developed by Edward de Bono that is designed to encourage individuals to think outside the box and generate new and innovative ideas. The technique involves deliberately challenging assumptions and asking provocative questions to stimulate creative thinking.

The Provocation technique involves asking questions that are deliberately designed to challenge established thinking and stimulate new ideas. For example, rather than asking "How can we improve our product?", the Provocation technique might ask "How can we make our product so bad that no one would ever want it?" This provocative question challenges individuals to think about the problem in a completely new way and generate unconventional solutions.

The Provocation technique can be used in a variety of settings, including brainstorming sessions, team meetings, and problem-solving sessions. By asking provocative questions, individuals are encouraged to think beyond their usual assumptions and consider new and unconventional solutions to problems.

The Provocation technique is particularly useful for individuals who are stuck in established patterns of thinking and are struggling to generate new ideas. By deliberately challenging assumptions and asking provocative questions, the technique can help to break down mental barriers and stimulate new thinking.

Overall, the Provocation technique is a powerful tool for encouraging creative thinking and generating new and innovative ideas. By challenging established thinking and asking provocative questions, individuals can develop their creativity and become more effective problem-solvers.

[07052023] De Bono's CoRT

60 Thinking Tools (CoRT 1 to 6)
The CoRT (Cognitive Research Trust) Thinking System is a set of thinking tools developed by Edward de Bono to help individuals develop their critical thinking skills. The system is designed to provide a structured approach to thinking that can be applied to a wide range of problems and situations.

The CoRT Thinking System includes 6 main categories of thinking tools, each focused on a different aspect of critical thinking:

1. Attention - These tools are focused on improving focus and concentration, and include techniques such as "Focus on Purpose" and "Focus on Key Factors."

2. Information - These tools are focused on gathering and analyzing information, and include techniques such as "Seeking Information" and "Organizing Information."

3. Reasoning - These tools are focused on developing logical and analytical thinking skills, and include techniques such as "Alternatives" and "Consequences."

4. Creativity - These tools are focused on developing creative thinking skills, and include techniques such as "Provocation" and "Random Entry."

5. Evaluation - These tools are focused on evaluating and testing ideas, and include techniques such as "Criteria" and "Judgment."

6. Action - These tools are focused on developing problem-solving and decision-making skills, and include techniques such as "Action Planning" and "Problem-Solving."

The CoRT Thinking System provides a structured approach to thinking that can be applied to a wide range of problems and situations. By using these tools, individuals can develop their critical thinking skills and become more effective problem solvers.

[07052023] De Bono's Six Hats

Edward de Bono is a Maltese physician, psychologist, and author who is best known for his work on creative thinking. One of his most popular and influential ideas is the "Six Thinking Hats" method, also known as the "de Bono Thinking Hats" method.

The Six Thinking Hats is a technique for group discussion and individual thinking, where participants are encouraged to think about a problem or situation from six different perspectives, each represented by a different "hat" color. The six hats are:

1. White Hat - focuses on facts, data, and information. 
2. Red Hat - represents emotions and feelings. 
3. Black Hat - considers potential problems and negative aspects of the situation. 
4. Yellow Hat - looks for the benefits and opportunities. 
5. Green Hat - encourages creativity and innovative thinking. 
6. Blue Hat - facilitates the thinking process and controls the discussion.

By using these different hats, de Bono believed that individuals and groups could approach problems and situations in a more structured and productive way. Each hat represents a different type of thinking, and by switching hats, participants can consciously change their approach to the problem at hand. This can help to prevent groupthink and promote more creative, comprehensive, and effective thinking.

Overall, the Six Thinking Hats is a powerful tool for decision-making, problem-solving, and brainstorming that has been used by individuals and organizations around the world to improve their thinking processes and outcomes.

Friday 5 May 2023

[05052023] Be yourself!

It's important to recognize that we all have certain factors in our lives that can influence our decisions and actions, such as people, money, and past experiences.

However, it's essential to remember that ultimately, we have the power to control our own lives and make our own choices. It's crucial to not let external factors control us and dictate our decisions. Instead, we should take charge of our lives and make choices that align with our values, goals, and aspirations.

It's also important to learn from past experiences and use them as lessons to grow and improve. We shouldn't let our past define us or hold us back, but rather use it as a tool for personal growth and development.

In conclusion, it's essential to recognize and acknowledge the factors that influence our lives, but we should strive to be in control of our own lives and make choices that align with our values and goals. We should learn from our past experiences and use them as tools for personal growth and development.

[05052023] وَلَا تَسْتَوِي الْحَسَنَةُ وَلَا السَّيِّئَةُ ادْفَعْ بِالَّتِي هِيَ أَحْسَنُ فَإِذَا الَّذِي بَيْنَكَ وَبَيْنَهُ عَدَاوَةٌ كَأَنَّهُ وَلِيٌّ حَمِيمٌ

وَلَا تَسْتَوِي الْحَسَنَةُ وَلَا السَّيِّئَةُ ادْفَعْ بِالَّتِي هِيَ أَحْسَنُ فَإِذَا الَّذِي بَيْنَكَ وَبَيْنَهُ عَدَاوَةٌ كَأَنَّهُ وَلِيٌّ حَمِيمٌ * وَمَا يُلَقَّاهَا إِلَّا الَّذِينَ صَبَرُوا وَمَا يُلَقَّاهَا إِلَّا ذُو حَظٍّ عَظِيمٍ  [فصلت 34 - 35]

"ادفع بالمثل الأحسن، حتى إذا كان هناك عداء بينك وبين الآخرين". والمعنى العام لهذه العبارة هو أنه يجب عليك الاستجابة للعداء والانتقام بطريقة أفضل وأكثر نضجًا، بدلاً من التعامل مع الأمور بشكل عدائي وعنيف. وهذا يعني الرد على السلبيات بالإيجابية والتركيز على الأشياء الإيجابية التي يمكن أن تقوي العلاقة بينك وبين الآخرين.

 Respond with the best response when
  there is animosity between you and others." The general meaning of this expression is that one should respond to hostility and seek revenge in a better and more mature way, rather than dealing with things in a hostile and violent manner. This means responding to negativity with positivity and focusing on positive things that can strengthen the relationship between you and others.

Thursday 4 May 2023

[04052023] Procrastination is the thief of time

"Procrastination is the thief of time" is a well-known proverb that means delaying or putting off tasks can waste valuable time and lead to missed opportunities. It implies that procrastination is a form of theft because it robs us of the time that we could have spent productively. 

When we procrastinate, we might feel like we are taking a break or relaxing, but in reality, we are only delaying the inevitable and often end up rushing to complete tasks at the last minute. This can lead to suboptimal results, stress, and a feeling of being overwhelmed.

To avoid the negative consequences of procrastination, it's important to prioritize tasks and break them down into smaller, manageable steps. We can also set deadlines for ourselves and hold ourselves accountable for completing tasks on time. Additionally, we can use tools and techniques such as time blocking, Pomodoro technique, and task lists to increase our productivity and efficiency. By taking these steps, we can avoid the thief of time and make the most of the time we have available.

Wednesday 3 May 2023

[03052023] The Fear of Irrelevance and the Importance of Adaptation and Innovation

The fear of irrelevance is a common phenomenon among individuals and organizations alike. It is the fear of becoming obsolete or outdated in an ever-changing world where new technologies, trends, and ideas emerge at a rapid pace. In the business world, this fear can drive organizations to continuously innovate, adapt, and stay client-centered. However, ignoring this fear can lead to stagnation and eventual failure. Let's take a closer look at this phenomenon and its impact on organizations.

The fear of irrelevance is the fear of becoming irrelevant or outdated in a rapidly changing world. It is a natural human response to uncertainty and the unknown. In the business world, this fear can drive organizations to continuously innovate, adapt, and stay client-centered to avoid falling behind.

Several organizations have successfully adapted to changes in their industries and overcame the fear of irrelevance. For example, ChatGPT, Amazon, Netflix, Microsoft, and Apple are organizations that have embraced change, remained agile, and focused on innovation. By staying up-to-date with the latest trends and consumer preferences, these organizations have been able to thrive and maintain their relevance.

Google is another organization that has been at the forefront of AI innovation for many years. By leveraging AI technology to improve its products and services, Google has been able to remain at the cutting edge of the search engine market and expand into other areas such as healthcare, energy, and environmental sustainability.

On the other hand, there are several examples of organizations that failed to adapt and adopt to changing circumstances, ultimately leading to their downfall. For instance, Kodak and Nokia were once market leaders in their respective industries but failed to embrace digital photography and smartphones, respectively. As a result, they were left behind by competitors who were quicker to adapt to changing consumer needs and preferences.

The fear of irrelevance can be a powerful motivator for organizations to continuously innovate and be client-centered. By embracing change and being proactive in identifying and meeting the evolving needs of their clients, organizations can remain relevant and competitive in their industries. This fear can also help organizations to develop a growth mindset that emphasizes continuous learning and improvement.

However, ignoring the fear of irrelevance can lead to stagnation and eventual failure. Organizations that become too comfortable with the status quo and fail to innovate or adapt to changing circumstances risk being left behind by competitors who are quicker to adapt.

In conclusion, the fear of irrelevance can be a double-edged sword for organizations. On the one hand, it can be a powerful motivator for innovation and client-centeredness. On the other hand, ignoring this fear can lead to stagnation and eventual failure. By embracing change, staying agile, and focusing on innovation, organizations can not only survive but thrive in the face of rapid technological change and shifting consumer preferences.

Monday 1 May 2023

[01052023] The Culture of Reading: Addressing the Consequences of Illiteracy and a Refusal to Read


The Culture of Reading: Addressing the Consequences of Illiteracy and a Refusal to Read

A culture of reading is a society that values and promotes the habit of reading, including reading for pleasure, knowledge, and critical thinking. However, illiteracy and a refusal to read can prevent the development of a culture of reading and have serious consequences for individuals and society.

Illiteracy, or the inability to read, can prevent individuals from accessing important information, opportunities for education, and meaningful employment. Without basic literacy skills, individuals may struggle to function in daily life, leading to social isolation, poverty, and limited opportunities for personal growth. The consequences of a lack of engagement with literature can be seen in examples of societies that have collapsed or been left behind. For instance, in some ancient civilizations like the Mayan civilization, the absence of a system of writing has made it difficult for scholars to fully understand and appreciate their contributions to human civilization.

Furthermore, a refusal to read, despite the ability to do so, can have negative consequences on individuals and society. It can limit critical thinking skills, result in a lack of empathy and understanding of others, and create a susceptibility to misinformation and propaganda. When individuals refuse to read or engage with literature, they miss out on opportunities for personal growth and acquiring new knowledge. In turn, this can lead to a lack of innovation, creativity, and progress.

Addressing illiteracy and a refusal to read is crucial in promoting a culture of reading. Education programs and initiatives can help to provide access to literacy resources and promote a love of reading. Encouraging individuals to engage with literature, regardless of format, can lead to improved cognitive function, enhanced language skills, and social and civic engagement. It can also help to foster creativity and innovation, reduce social inequality, and promote the understanding of diverse perspectives.

In conclusion, a culture of reading is essential for the intellectual, social, and economic well-being of individuals and societies. Addressing the consequences of illiteracy and a refusal to read is necessary to promote a love of reading, critical thinking, and knowledge acquisition. Without a culture of reading, societies may struggle to compete in a globalized and knowledge-based economy, and individuals may miss out on opportunities for education and personal growth. Let us all strive to promote a culture of reading and continue to engage with literature to foster personal and societal growth.

[01052023] To lead!

1. 1900 - Henri Fayol - "General and Industrial Management": Fayol's approach focuses on the management of resources, including planning, organizing, and controlling.

2. 1908 - Mary Parker Follett - "The New State": Follett's approach focuses on the importance of collaboration and cooperation in organizational decision-making.

3. 1911 - Frederick Winslow Taylor - "The Principles of Scientific Management": Taylor's approach focuses on the use of scientific methods to improve productivity and efficiency in the workplace.

4. 1913 - Elton Mayo - "The Human Problems of an Industrial Civilization": Mayo's approach focuses on the importance of social and psychological factors in the workplace, including the role of leadership in motivating employees.

5. 1924 - Max Weber - "The Theory of Social and Economic Organization": Weber's approach focuses on the role of bureaucracy in organizational management.

6. 1930 - Mary Parker Follett - "The Speaker of the House of Representatives": Follett's approach focuses on the importance of collaboration and cooperation in organizational decision-making.

7. 1933 - Kurt Lewin - "A Dynamic Theory of Personality": Lewin's approach focuses on the role of social and psychological factors in personality development, including the role of leadership in shaping individual behavior.

8. 1938 - Chester Barnard - "The Functions of the Executive": Barnard's approach focuses on the importance of communication and cooperation in organizational decision-making.

9. 1947 - Abraham Maslow - "A Theory of Human Motivation": Maslow's approach focuses on the hierarchy of needs, including the role of self-actualization in individual and organizational growth.

10. 1947 - Chester Barnard - "The Functions of the Executive": Barnard's approach focuses on the importance of communication and cooperation in organizational decision-making.

11. 1954 - Rensis Likert - "New Patterns of Management": Likert's approach focuses on the importance of participatory management, including the role of leadership in creating a collaborative organizational culture.

12. 1958 - Douglas McGregor - "The Human Side of Enterprise": McGregor's approach focuses on the importance of employee motivation and engagement in organizational success.

13. 1960 - Chris Argyris - "Understanding Organizational Behavior": Argyris's approach focuses on the role of organizational learning in individual and organizational growth.

14. 1960 - Douglas McGregor - "The Human Side of Enterprise": McGregor's approach focuses on the importance of employee motivation and engagement in organizational success.

15. 1964 - Herbert Simon - "Theories of Decision-Making in Economics and Behavioral Science": Simon's approach focuses on the importance of decision-making in organizational management.

16. 1965 - Robert Blake and Jane Mouton - "The Managerial Grid": Blake and Mouton's approach focuses on the importance of balancing task and people-oriented leadership styles.

17. 1967 - Fred Fiedler - "A Theory of Leadership Effectiveness": Fiedler's approach focuses on the importance of matching leadership style to situational factors, including task structure and leader-member relations.

18. 1969 - Kenneth Thomas and Ralph Kilmann - "The Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument": Thomas and Kilmann's approach focuses on the importance of conflict management in organizational decision-making.

19. 1971 - Victor Vroom and Philip Yetton - "Leadership and Decision-Making": Vroom and Yetton's approach focuses on the importance of participatory decision-making in leadership.

20. 1973 - Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard - "Management of Organizational Behavior: Utilizing Situational Approach": Hersey and Blanchard's approach focuses on the importance of adapting leadership style to the maturity level of employees.

21. 1978 - James MacGregor Burns - "Leadership": Burns's approach focuses on the importance of transformational leadership, including the role of leaders in inspiring and motivating followers.

22. 1982 - John Kotter - "The General Managers": Kotter's approach focuses on the importance of effective management in organizational success, including the role of leadership in creating a shared vision and strategic plan.

23. 1985 - Edwin Locke - "Toward a Theory of Task Motivation and Incentives": Locke's approach focuses on the role of goal-setting and feedback in employee motivation and performance.

24. 1986 - Warren Bennis - "On Becoming a Leader": Bennis's approach focuses on the importance of self-awareness and personal growth in leadership development.

25. 1988 - Peter Drucker - "The Effective Executive": Drucker's approach focuses on the importance of time management, prioritization, and decision-making in effective leadership.

26. 1990 - Gary Yukl - "Leadership in Organizations": Yukl's approach focuses on the importance of multiple factors in effective leadership, including leader behavior, organizational culture, and follower characteristics.

27. 1992 - John Kotter - "Leading Change": Kotter's approach focuses on the importance of creating a sense of urgency and a guiding coalition in leading organizational change.

28. 1994 - James Kouzes and Barry Posner - "The Leadership Challenge": Kouzes and Posner's approach focuses on the importance of inspiring and motivating followers through modeling the way, inspiring a shared vision, challenging the process, enabling others to act, and encouraging the heart.

29. 1995 - Daniel Goleman - "Emotional Intelligence": Goleman's approach focuses on the importance of emotional intelligence, including self-awareness, self-regulation, motivation, empathy, and social skills, in effective leadership.

30. 1997 - Robert House - "Path-Goal Theory of Leadership": House's approach focuses on the importance of clarifying goals, providing direction, and removing obstacles in effective leadership.

31. 1998 - Peter Senge - "The Fifth Discipline": Senge's approach focuses on the importance of organizational learning, including personal mastery, mental models, shared vision, team learning, and systems thinking.

32. 1999 - James Collins and Jerry Porras - "Built to Last": Collins and Porras's approach focuses on the importance of visionary leadership, including the role of core values, purpose, and BHAGs (big hairy audacious goals) in creating enduring organizations.

33. 2001 - Jim Collins - "Good to Great": Collins's approach focuses on the importance of disciplined leadership, including the role of level 5 leadership, disciplined people, disciplined thought, and disciplined action in achieving sustained organizational success.

34. 2002 - Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman - "First, Break All the Rules": Buckingham and Coffman's approach focuses on the importance of strengths-based leadership, including the role of focusing on employee strengths, providing clear expectations, and fostering positive relationships.

35. 2003 - John Maxwell - "The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership": Maxwell's approach focuses on the importance of timeless principles of leadership, including the law of influence, the law of process, the law of navigation, and the law of sacrifice.

36. 2004 - Jim Collins - "Good to Great and the Social Sector": Collins's approach focuses on the importance of applying principles of disciplined leadership to nonprofit and public sector organizations.

37. 2005 - Warren Bennis - "The Art of Followership": Bennis emphasizes that effective followership is just as important as effective leadership in achieving organizational goals.

38. 2006 - Charles Duhigg - "The Power of Habit": Duhigg's approach focuses on the importance of understanding and shaping habits, including how leaders can use habits to create organizational change.

39. 2007 - Carol Dweck - "Mindset: The New Psychology of Success": Dweck's approach focuses on the importance of growth mindset, including the role of leaders in promoting a culture of learning and development.

40. 2008 - Simon Sinek - "Start with Why": Sinek's approach focuses on the importance of starting with a clear sense of purpose and vision, including the role of leaders in inspiring and motivating others to act.

41. 2009 - Clay Christensen - "The Innovator's Dilemma": Christensen's approach focuses on the importance of disruptive innovation, including the role of leaders in creating and adapting to disruptive technologies and business models.

42. 2010 - Brené Brown - "The Gifts of Imperfection": Brown's approach focuses on the importance of vulnerability and authenticity, including the role of leaders in creating a culture of psychological safety and trust.

43. 2011 - Daniel Pink - "Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us": Pink's approach focuses on the importance of intrinsic motivation, including the role of leaders in creating conditions that foster autonomy, mastery, and purpose.

44. 2012 - Sheryl Sandberg - "Lean In": Sandberg's approach focuses on the importance of gender diversity and inclusion in leadership, including the role of women in breaking down barriers and advancing in leadership positions.

45. 2013 - Adam Grant - "Give and Take": Grant's approach focuses on the importance of generosity and reciprocity in leadership, including the role of givers, takers, and matchers in organizational success.

46. 2014 - Kim Scott - "Radical Candor": Scott's approach focuses on the importance of feedback and communication, including the role of leaders in providing honest, direct feedback in a way that is both caring and challenging.

47. 2015 - Angela Duckworth - "Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance": Duckworth's approach focuses on the importance of grit and perseverance in achieving long-term goals, including the role of leaders in fostering a growth mindset and creating a culture of resilience.

48. 2016 - Simon Sinek - "Together Is Better": Sinek's approach focuses on the importance of collaboration and teamwork, including the role of leaders in creating a sense of belonging and connection.

49. 2017 - Amy Edmondson - "The Fearless Organization": Edmondson's approach focuses on the importance of psychological safety, including the role of leaders in creating a culture that encourages open communication and learning from failure.

50. 2018 - Adam Grant - "Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World": Grant's approach focuses on the importance of creativity and innovation, including the role of leaders in promoting and supporting original thinking and diverse perspectives. 

These 50 leadership theorists and their published works have had a profound impact on the field of leadership, helping to shape our understanding of what effective leadership looks like and how it can be developed and practiced. By studying these approaches, leaders can gain valuable insights and tools for becoming more effective in their roles, and organizations can benefit from the improved performance and outcomes that come with strong leadership.

[29092024] Humility and Boundries

Humility is often seen as a virtue that grounds us, reminding us that we are human, fallible, and always capable of growth. It’s...